Meet The Staff

The staff members at our office understand how positive an experience a visit to the dentist can and should be. From your initial contact in scheduling appointments with the reception staff to your interaction with the dental assistants, our efforts are to communicate fully with parents so that you can understand the purpose of our techniques and treatment. Those who assist in providing “dental cleanings”, “sealants” and even “fillings” help your children to understand/enjoy the whole experience. Continuous effort is made to utilize proper terminology, show-and-tell, models, pictures, a hand mirror, etc. so that each patient has the opportunity to comprehend what is happening around them (to them) on their own level…and a 3 year-old can be just as cooperative as a teenager when given the tools to complete the task.

Our staff is trained regularly in the most up-to-date information available on Pediatric Dentistry topics. Continuing Education is provided to help each increase their knowledge and ability. You can teach much, but each of our staff members comes with an inborn love of children and a desire to help them.

Please feel comfortable in asking questions of each staff member, and to take the opportunity to speak with your doctor at each and every visit.

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